
i love you, summer 2012

my sister did a lovely post about this most lovely day, here

favorite holiday, you've yet to let me down

austin got a gun, i got acrylics 

these two, don't stop your giggling & business plans

thank you o'marys, hiking and camping with the new
 camel backs is wonderful

please interview this boy, usu

austin is training for spartan, kasey: marathon, nikki: half, me: 10k

honey, mexico

june 2, 2012 tom & carrie's lovely day
 this and more found, here


  1. First blog entry??? First commenter??? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss.

    I was just thinking today: Lisa needs to start a new blog. Bam. Thank you.

    Why are you private? WHY????????

    Thanks for the double shout outs, oh yeah.

    Somethings I must question/comment on:

    Austin has a gun??? More info please. You are painting? This is so you and totally fits. Love this. You are training for a 10K? Again, perfect fit. Why is Austin needing an interview at USU? I thought you guys were thinking Bethesda (right after I leave... sob!) I want to be there while mom and your MIL laugh and biz plan.

    Also, Hannah has great lips.

    The end.

  2. P.S. If you're going to be annoying (aka private) the least you could do is ditch the word verification. Not an issue if you're private.

    P.P.S. When we talk, remind me to tell you the perfect solution to be private, yet let people know you've blogged by posting to their Reader. Everybody wins.

  3. P.P.P.S. Yeah, your word verifications are hard! Each one took me 2 tries. I AM NOT A ROBOT! TRUST ME BLOGGER!

    Yours will be one of my fave blogs to follow, I can already tell.

  4. I am so glad you started a blog Lisa! Your painting is really good, who knew you had that hidden talent!

  5. Yeah!!!! This post was so great. I love that rather than talk about your own Wedding (kind of a big deal) you just referred to Wendy's blog! Lol. And I love that the one pic you chose for Carrie and Toms was that cutest one of the bean and bans nans.

    Your doing a 10K? Cool! Do you have a specific one with a date and time in mind? I wish would could run/train together. How fun would that be? I hope you've finally invested in some good running shoes.

    I need to hear more about this painting thing. I think it's really cool...but so random. YOu're really good too!!

    Didn't know Austin has a gun. I feel like I'll learn a lot about you through this blog. Keep it up!!

    Love you!

  6. P.S. I love that your website is lisalabanc.blogspot.com. THat is so easy to remember! Guess your name isn't very common.

    Also, very cute Mexico picture of you two. I want to see all your honeymoon pics!

  7. Lisa ... I feel so honored to be invited to your blog. I loved all your pictures and learning all kinds of things I didn't know. Nice job, kind of understated (a good thing), but very informative and humble.

    Love Dad

    I didn't know you could get onto these things without being a robot. I am and have always been treated as a robot.
